We are a group of women who sing 4 part barbershop harmony based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Our Chorus is a proud chapter of Sweet Adelines International.  

A Sweet Adelines chorus is a musical asset to its community. With more than 500 Sweet Adelines chapters located throughout the U.S. and 14 other nations, Sweet Adelines are not the only ones being changed by this organization -- their communities are as well. Choruses regularly entertain at charitable functions and civic events, and they often share performance proceeds with scholarship funds, social services programs, and arts and humanities outreaches.


The organization supports The Young Singers Foundation whose purpose is to enrich the lives of young people by supporting vocal music programs and education through its grant program.

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Harmony lovers Hits 323142

Rehearsal every Tuesday: 7pm - 9pm 
Vine Congregational Church
1800 Twin Ridge Road
Lincoln, Nebraska